POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Slope with a slope_map : Slope with a slope_map Server Time
4 Nov 2024 13:03:04 EST (-0500)
  Slope with a slope_map  
From: JK
Date: 7 Aug 2003 21:26:24
Message: <3f32fc40$1@news.povray.org>
Hi, can the slope pattern be used with a slope_map? The docs say:
"A slope_map may be used with any pattern except brick, checker, object,
hexagon, bumps, dents, ripples, waves, wrinkles and bump_map."
So it should work? But the following piece of code doesn't  give any kind of

#include "colors.inc"
light_source{<-10,10,-50>color White*2}
#declare Slopenormal= normal{slope{<0,-1,0>,0,1}

                                       slope_map{[0 <1,0>]
                                                            [.4 <1,-1>]
                                                            [.5 <0,0>]
                                                            [1 <0,0>]} }

sphere{<0,0,0>,1 pigment{color Grey}

If I understand this correctly this should give me a ramp down somewhere
little above the middle of the sphere.
What am I missing?

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